Thursday, October 14, 2010

Friendship (A letter to Amy )


Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin to Pooh”

Friendship is one of the complex matters of Life that seem almost interchangable . Companionship takes many forms, its sharing an umbrella when the world rains down, Its a back rub after a long drudged day, companionship is breaking the rigid lines of politeness tearing down mannerism's and embracing the heart . Every breathing soul needs another to filter through . The thing about Friendship is, its unchanging .
Since I have packed up my life and begun anew , the voyage has brought me along an exciting adventure of friend finding . This can take many shapes or forms, us girls unite on any common fixation to bond and unify. Some girls appreciate fashion, the latest trends in europe, the question of how one shall be percepted .Other's debate horrendously serious subjects (which I find no enjoyment in !).Subjects like government, politics and world famous leader figures ,still others will hide behind their pretty faces and speak of nothing (these are the worst!).Yet in us all is the esteemed desire , need even to relate to another human being .
This has been around from the beginning of time and will span ages .We are fellowshiping creatures, We were made to yearn a chat over tea, a hug , and even a random note expressing adoring compliments . This Journey, so to speak has taken me far and wide ,breaking social denominations .Whats interesting is that from my small study, we are never more alike .
New Friends,Old friends, siblings we all desire a common bond . We need somebody to believe in us when we are beyond belief ourselve's . I do not mean to over utilize the simplicity of innocence (as I addressed in my previous blog ) but I cannot help thinking that this simple encouragement exchanged between Christopher Robin and Pooh could not sum up our ardent desire for friendship .We need to believe, we are bravier, stronger and smarter and if you have the privelege of calling yourself a woman you best add on beauty grace and charm .Our carnal sentiments within us necessitate all this and more . I am so glad that I have the privelege of admonishing, admiring, loving and caring for my selected few . Some types of love are unchangable and challenge distance ,spans of time and all other unthinkable hurdles. Praise your Creator He made a soul sister for you today .The one who seems to have been created to mirror and/or counteract the things which you hold deep within your heart .

dedicated to Amy Abrahams (Continents have nothing on us girl !)

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